OK, there's no, like, you know, just integrate component by component to get each component of the force. 对各个分量积分,就能得到力的各个分量了。
The utility model provides a multi-functional neutral pen which can fluently write under the zero gravity state or when the gravity does not point to the component force of a pen point. 本实用新型提供一种多功能中性笔,使其在失重状态或重力无指向笔尖分力时也可流利书写。
The new anchorage form passed the vertical component of cable force by shear connectors, and beared the huge horizontal component by its anchoring steel beam. 这种新的锚固形式通过剪力键将斜拉索的竖向分力传递给钢筋混凝土主塔,利用钢横梁承担斜拉索巨大的水平分力。
In a sampling test, analyzed are the level of the excited vibration wave of component force and the range of the frequency of the electromagnetic noise of aero AC dynamos. 结合实例,分析了航空电机定转子激振力波阶次及电磁噪声的频率范围。
The component of force in the direction of the time-axis 力的时间分量
In this paper, the harmonics component of magnetic force in the six-phase motor driven by a six-phase ADA frequency changer were analysised, the harmonics content in the current and torque of a sample machine was computed, and the test results of the sample machine were presented. 分析六相交-直-交变频器驱动的六相感应电动机磁势波形中的谐波成分,具体计算样机电流和转矩中的谐波含量,并提供了样机的试验结果。
A process is modeled in which the centrifugal self destruction mechanism in a fuze at the waiting moving condition is just starting moving. It is a static equilibrium model with every component force changing continuously. 建立了引信离心自炸机构待发状态欲动而未动过程的数学模型,这是一个各分力在不断变化的静力平衡模型。
Wind and current loads are neglected. Horizontal wave force and the wave moment are calculated by Morison equation. Vertical forces are composed by frictions and the perpendicular component of Morison force. 忽略风力和流力的作用,水平波浪力和波浪力矩采取线性化的Morison方程来计算,垂向计算摩擦阻力和Morison力的垂向分量(纵摇时)。
As a component of Lorentz force. 安培力的实质是洛仑兹力。
The Study and Design of YDS-ⅲ 79B, YDS-ⅲ 79K Type Piezoelectric Quartz Three Component Force Transducers YDS-Ⅲ79B,YDS-Ⅲ79K型石英晶体三维力传感器的设计与研究
In the 0-90 cutting condition, the main cutting force and vertical component force are increased with the increasing veneer thickness and decreased with the increasing oblique angles of cutting edge for both species. 横向切削时主切削力和垂直分力基本都随单板厚度增加而增大,随刃倾角增加而下降。
Dimension and proportion of horizontal and vertical component of force should be well adjusted in slitting pass, which should avoid the rolling piece full in the pass. Spread coefficient should be 1.2-1.39, and the rolling piece is in the condition of free spread. 在切分孔型中应调节切分水平分力和切分垂直分力的大小和比例,尽量避免轧件充满孔型,延伸系数取1.2~1.39,保证轧件在孔型中处于自由宽展状态。
Study on the normal component force in oblique cutting of wood 木材斜角切削时垂直分力的研究
On the basis of the empirical relationship between cutting forces and undeformed chip geometry, a three component force model is developed to calculate instantaneous ball end milling cutting forces by a numerical integration method. 基于切削力与切屑几何之间的经验关系,用数值积分方法建立了球头铣刀三分量铣削力模型。
Design on spring component of force measurement for high-precision screen-printing squeegee 精密丝网印刷刮头测力元件设计
The distribution formula of horizontal component force between steel anchor cell and concrete tower wall was deduced then. 在此基础上推导了水平分项索力在钢锚箱和混凝土塔壁之间的分配计算公式。
During the courses a three component force balance and a computer based data acquisition system were used to measure the hydrodynamic forces on the model. 试验过程中采用了三分力天平、数据采集/转换卡及计算机记录水动力数据。
The heat transmitting by the component force of Rossby wave pressure mainly appears in the eastern and middle area of the Pacific, while zonal current component transmitting occurs mainly in the Western Equatorial Pacific. 赤道Kelvin波压力分量贯穿西、东赤道太平洋并向东输送暖池热能,纬向流分量的热输送主要出现在西赤道太平洋;Rossby波压力分量的热输送主要出现在东、中赤道太平洋;
At first, retrusion of gravity line in lower limb caused component force deviating forward at the knee. 认为下肢负重力线后移,使重力在膝关节处产生向前的分力为主要原因;
Generalized Component of Force in Phase Space 力在相空间中的广义分量
The result indicated that, the thread component axial force and the torque which give the computational method in the continuous rotation process to have the undulation and produced the thread component bearing capacity. 结果表明:螺纹元件在连续转动过程中受到的轴向力和扭矩会产生波动,并给出了螺纹元件承载能力的计算方法。
Therefore, the component force in any direction can be easily calculated through the faculae captured by CCD camera, which provides a good solution to three-axis tactile sensing technology for intelligent robots. 反之,可以很容易地通过光斑面积计算出圆柱触头所受到的外力,检测到在任意方向上的分力大小,从而为智能机器人三轴力触觉传感技术提供了一种新的解决方案。
The three component force measurement balance was internal type and fixed to the sting, and the flow over the wing was visualized by hydrogen bubble method. 利用氢气泡方法观测机翼上表面流动,测力和流动显示结果同时记录。
The core detecting equipment consists of rim component, drum component and force sensors; 其核心装置由轮辋组件、转鼓组件和测力装置组成;
On the other hand vertical component force is transferred through the compatibility of steel end wall, concrete end wall and shear studs. 另一方面竖向分项索力的传递需考虑钢锚箱端板,剪力钉和混凝土端壁的变形协调。
Children component force, component force and resultant force play together in the overall mechanism and form the overall effort. 子分力、分力甚至合力在整体合力机制的作用下形成了整体合力。
In the design of aircraft structures, the lightweight design of aircraft with the main component of force bearing is very critical. 在飞机结构设计中,对于飞机主承力构件的轻量化设计十分关键。
For the bad working conditions of hydraulic excavator, working mechanism as the main component suffered force loading, the structural performance of which plays an important role in overall performance, operational reliability and safety of hydraulic excavator. 液压挖掘机的工作环境恶劣,工作装置作为主要的受载部件,其结构性能对挖掘机的整机性能、工作可靠性和安全性有重要的影响。
Analysis and calculation, through ANSYS and based on real engineering projects, of structural component internal force and distortion law under different construction conditions, so as to provide references for designs and constructions. 以实际工程为依托,用ANSYS软件分析计算,在不同的工况下,结构构件的内力和变形规律,为设计和施工提供参考。
Because of flexible structure and component with internal force and deformation characteristics of the compound, after imposing static load, structure and axis of the main parts and the configuration of hybrid girder cable stayed bridge will change a lot. 由于混合梁斜拉桥具有的柔性结构、构件内力和变形时的复合特性,在对其施以静荷载之后,桥的结构与主部件的轴线和位形都会有较大的变化。